Degree and higher apprenticeship information evening

24 May 2021

Do you know somoene who is interested in taking the next step in their career or is looking to get into engineering? We are hosting our first online engineering degree and higher apprenticeship information evening. 

Whether you want to find out more about a course, how apprenticeships work or how to apply, you can put your questions to our experienced team and we will get you the information you need to make informed choices about what comes next.

Who should attend?

This event is ideal for school leavers, job changers or career advancers at all points of the applications process. So if you are just embarking on your apprenticeship journey or have already filled in an application form, this event is for you.

Tell us your questions in advance.

Your questions are important to us. Tell us what you want to know in advance and we can make sure they get answered on the night. All you need to do is sign up to the event and pop your questions in the box and you can ask as many questions as you like.

Make the most of the event!

Here is some helpful information and videos for you to view before you join us on the day.