POSTPONED - Innovation Business Breakfast

16 December 2021 - 16 December 2021

Unfortunately, in light of the spread of the new COVID-19 variant we have taken the decision to postpone the event until further notice.

Who is responsible for innovation in your organisation?

The breakfast session will focus on innovation and, in particular, who has the responsibility for innovation within manufacturing organisations. Innovation is a challenging endeavour requiring far more than a single big idea to reshape industries.

Discovery, engineering and transformation are the three key determinants of successful innovation – each requiring careful consideration before something is created that can succeed in the marketplace. Whilst there is no ‘one true path’ to success, there are useful tools that can help to clarify the best route – such as Greg Satell's innovation matrix.

At 9.00am on 16 December 2021, Alan Mumby, a thought leader in the space of innovation, will present at the University of Sheffield AMRC Cymru about the challenges facing the manufacturing sector in innovation. Alan has 30 years combined experience as a Product Designer and then a Design and Innovation Strategist, and has worked for companies, government agencies and universities in Wales, as well as with client companies and organisations across Europe and Asia. Elected a Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts in 1995, Alan is now on the advisory board of RSA Cymru/Wales.

This thought-provoking session will also be supported by the Welsh Government Innovation team who will talk about some of the excellent support packages that are available to support businesses with innovation.

The breakfast session will finish at 10.00am and there is an optional 30 minute tour of the AMRC Cymru facility that will follow. Alan Mumby, the Welsh Government Innovation team and AMRC Cymru staff will remain available until 11.00am for further discussions.

For more information and registration please click here.

Pwy sydd yn gyfrifol am arloesi yn eich busnes?

Bydd y sesiwn dros frecwast yn canolbwyntio ar arloesi ac, yn benodol, pwy sy’n gyfrifol am arloesi mewn sefydliadau gweithgynhyrchu. Mae arloesi yn ymdrech heriol sy’n gofyn am lawer mwy nag un syniad mawr i ad-drefnu diwydiannau.

Ar gyfer arloesi’n llwyddiannus, rhaid ystyried tri ffactor allweddol: “darganfod, peirianneg a thrawsnewid”. Mae pob elfen yn gofyn am ystyriaeth ofalus cyn creu rhywbeth a fyddai’n gallu llwyddo yn y farchnad. Er nad oes ‘un llwybr cywir’ i lwyddiant, mae adnoddau defnyddiol ar gael a all helpu i egluro’r llwybr gorau – fel matrics arloesi Greg Satell.

Am 9.00am ar 16 Rhagfyr 2021, bydd Alan Mumby, arweinydd craff ym maes arloesi, yn rhoi cyflwyniad yn AMRC Cymru Coleg Prifysgol Sheffield am yr heriau sy’n wynebu’r sector gweithgynhyrchu o safbwynt arloesi. Mae gan Alan 30 mlynedd o brofiad fel Dylunydd Cynnyrch ac yna fel Strategydd Dylunio ac Arloesi, ac mae wedi gweithio i gwmnïau, asiantaethau’r llywodraeth a phrifysgolion yng Nghymru, yn ogystal â chwmnïau a sefydliadau ledled Ewrop ac Asia. Ac yntau wedi’i ethol yn Gymrawd Cymdeithas Frenhinol y Celfyddydau yn 1995, mae Alan nawr ar fwrdd ymgynghorol RSA Cymru.

Bydd y sesiwn hon yn siŵr o brocio’r meddwl. Caiff ei chefnogi gan dîm Arloesi Llywodraeth Cymru a fydd yn sôn am rai o’r pecynnau cymorth rhagorol sydd ar gael i gefnogi busnesau gydag arloesedd.

Bydd y sesiwn dros frecwast yn gorffen am 10.00am ac yna bydd croeso i chi ddod ar daith 30 munud o amgylch cyfleuster AMRC Cymru. Bydd Alan Mumby, tîm Arloesi Llywodraeth Cymru a staff AMRC Cymru ar gael tan 11.00am os hoffech drafod unrhyw beth ymhellach gyda nhw.

Am fwy o wybodaeth cliciwch yma

Event Address:

Chester Road
United Kingdom

Event Organiser:

AMRC Cymru