EU debate focuses on the importance of partnership to the region and its economy

16 June 2016

Leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn MP this morning (16 June 2016) visited the University of Sheffield's Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) as the EU referendum debate focused on the importance of partnership to the region and its economy.

Jeremy Corbyn meets apprentices at the AMRC. 

Mr Corbyn toured the AMRC's Factory of the Future - a purpose built research centre - which was part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

The Labour party leader made his visit to the AMRC one week before the EU referendum (23 June 2016), when the UK will vote on whether to remain in or leave the European Union.

The MP also addressed an audience of apprentices from the AMRC Training Centre and answered their questions about the implications of the historic poll.

The visit is one of a series of events hosted by the University in the run up to the referendum to facilitate debate and encourage staff and students to engage with the democratic process.

Jeremy Corbyn meets staff at the AMRC. 

A University spokesperson said: "The EU referendum is an event of national and international significance, which will have wide-ranging implications for our 7,000 staff and 27,000 students - particularly those from continental Europe, who are of extraordinary importance to us. The university employs a significant number of academic and professional staff who are citizens of other EU countries, and we are extremely grateful for their dedicated service to the university and country they have made their home.

"Over the years, the university has also benefitted in funding for world-leading research and for developments such as our Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre which has such a powerful impact on our city region, local companies and skills."

He added: "Like all universities, the University of Sheffield has played a vital role in encouraging and facilitating debate and discussion around this issue and has encouraged staff and students to engage with the democratic process by ensuring they are registered to vote and have the opportunity to hear and express a balance of views."

For expert views and analysis of the EU referendum debate from academics at the University of Sheffield, visit

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